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Principal Back to School Message



Two female students doing a test during class.


We welcome you back to the 2024-2025 school year. Thank you for enrolling your student at Nenahnezad Community School. We are enrolling K-6 grades. We welcome and invite you to enroll your student.

We aim to provide the best learning opportunity yet observe safety for your child. We have new technology, more computers on order, enhanced learning and distance platforms, internet capabilities on order, safety equipment, updated facilities, and increased security and safety measures. We are interested in the development of the whole child and have a great activities facility, Navajo Language and Culture program, and after-school program in addition to our fine academic program.

Welcome back to school for 2024-2025 and to Nenahnezad Community School, Home of the Tigers.

If you need further information or have questions, please contact me at the school. 

Dr. David Smith

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